Saturday, July 24, 2010

Twitter Archive

What does the left believe rich people do with their money that doesn't help the economy? #econ #hhrs #tcot #teaparty #tax

They advocate "social justice," "minimum wage," and "universal health care." Who are they? #hhrs #tcot #teaparty #econ

Everything a wealthy person does with income creates economic expansion, compared to horded cash. #hhrs #tcot #teaparty #econ #tax

The poor keep a larger % of their income in cash than the wealthy. The wealthy use banks, invest, and spend. #tcot #teaparty #hhrs #econ

RT @gscottoliver: Wait: "left think"? You know better than that! // Okay, perhaps "feel" would be a better word there.

What does the left think rich people do with their money that doesn't help the economy? #econ #hhrs #tcot #teaparty

RT @DebbieSchlussel #Christian May Get Life in US Prison 4 Self-Defense from #Muslim Mob #tcot #jcot #islam #immigration

RT @ORlibertygal Travesty! You can thank the democrat elitists who won't allow school choice! #teaparty #hhrs #tcot

RT @Heritage The next Govt takeover? National #education standards. #edreform #tcot #hhrs #teaparty #econ #killUSDE #gop

And this is precisely the goal of the Fabian, revolution by slippery slope. #hhrs #tcot #teaparty

This leaves some reluctant to call the progressives socialist, because each step seems less than total capitulation. #tcot #teaparty #hhrs

The progressives are Fabian Socialists. They believe in gradual socialist change rather than revolutionary change #tcot #teaparty #hhrs #gop

Democratic socialism was not created for the elevation of individual liberty, but for it's enslavement to the group. #hhrs #tcot #teaparty

Limited and decentralized govt, free trade & mkts, maximized individual liberty, these are the conditions for liberty. #hhrs #tcot #teaparty

He explains that the left appropriated the label in the supreme, if unintended compliment. #hhrs #tcot #teaparty #ClassicalLiberal #econ

On page 5 of Milton Friedman's "Capitalism and Freedom" he explains why "liberal" is the wrong label for the left. #tcot #hhrs #teaparty

RT @ORlibertygal: @Huffman2010 Go Jim! #orcot #tcot #teaparty #conus #founders #econ

@tamij There is now, and ever shall be, only one "Tribble Princess" - The inimitable bright and shining @Tamij #hhrs

RT @BrendaHilliard2: If you put the fed govt in charge of the Sahara, in 5 yrs there'd be a shortage of sand." ~M. Friedman #tcot #econ #gop

RT @Luigi1492: In the spirit of Hayek, the rd to fin ruin is paved by grand govt intent w/ unintended long term consequences #econ #teaparty

RT @ORlibertygal @Theblacksphere "loved the book" #orcot // It's on my list.

#FF @Theblacksphere @ORlibertygal @LizzieViolet @mkhammer @RedState @Lileks @exposeliberals @VictoriaTaft @hughhewittblog #tcot #teaparty

#Fauxbama "Now European leaders don't even like me." #hhrs #teaparty #tcot

#Fauxbama "I just wanted us to be like Eur, now Eur isn't even like Eur. It's like trying to do Woodstock 3 days & finding the trash pile."

#fauxbama "I told you I would 'restore' America to its rightful place in the world, & we're more like Jimmy Carter's USA everyday" #teaparty

Keith Olberman loses ownership of his own domain name! Oh darn! Three Cheers for Tucker Carlson! #hhrs #tcot #teaparty

#GOP needs to run on 4 R's: Remove Dem's, Repeal their bills, Replace w/ mkt reforms, Restore #conus ltd Govt! #Nov! #tcot #teaparty #econ

#Fauxbama Disney movie title: "Honey I shrunk 'The People'!" #tcot #teaparty #gop #hhrs #conus

#Fauxbama "Oh well, those 'small businesses' only create 'small jobs' anyway. We're focused on growing BIG BUSINESS, and BIG GOVERNMENT!"

#Fauxbama: "Business thrives on uncertainty! ... or was it the other way 'round? Whichever..., but.., We're Headed in the right direction!

RT @johnboehner Thomas Sowell: "Obama succeeded only in creating uncertainty" #econ #business #teaparty #tcot #hhrs

Ann Coulter with some clear thinking about the Constitution and the Supreme Court. #tcot #teaparty #hhrs #conus #scotus

Frank-n-Dodd Financial bill gives unions trojan horse into boards of all publicly traded co's. #business #econ #tcot

#Gipper: Recession is your neighbor losing his job, Depression is your job lost, Recovery is Reid/Pelosi/Obama lose their jobs! #tcot #hhrs

UKs Daniel Hannan, the best reason to allow non-citizens to run for USA president #hhrs #tcot #teaparty #econ

Let me get this str8, exactly which Islamic nation does Obama think needs NASA's help w/ ICBM capability? #hhrs #teaparty #tcot #nov #israel

RT @foundingfather: There is nothing so likely to produce peace as to be well prepared to meet an enemy. #tcot #teaparty #hhrs #mil

Thomas Sowell, MUST READ! #Econ #Stimulus #Inflation Velocity of money #liquidity #Gold #tcot #hhrs #teaparty #business

RT @redostoneage President of New Black Panther Party Admits Plan to Intimidate Voters #teaparty #hhrs #tcot #gop #nov!

Hayek et al had it exactly right, and Keynes quite wrong. Original 1932 op ed letters #econ #teaparty #tcot #nov! #hhrs

RT @redostoneage Majority of Likely Voters: 'Socialist' Accurately Describes Obama #teaparty #hhrs #tcot #econ #nov!

I do not believe there has ever been an administration more disconnected from economic reality. #econ #teaparty #business #tcot #nov! #hhrs

Rahm Emanuel: "Biz ldrs should be grateful for Obama's support of biz." !? #econ #teaparty #business #tcot #nov! #hhrs

FBN Video report about new 1099 tax regs for ALL PURCHASES over $600! #econ #teaparty #business #tcot #gop #nov! #hhrs

RT @fleckman: Prez here: Remember I sd I'm 4 small business? Yeah, I'm a liar. HT @FVHayek #tcot #p2 // Yes indeed!

New 1099 regs for purchases over $600 will be a reporting nightmare, costs will be inflationary! #econ #business #tcot #gop #nov! #hhrs

New IRS regs will require 1099 filing not only for services, but ALL PURCHASES over $600! Nightmare for SB! #business #econ #tcot #gop #irs

Full text story FBN's Elizabeth MacDonald: Deutsche Bank internal report on the Frank-n-Dodd bill: #econ #tcot #hhrs

This steel plant has created more "clean energy" than all the solar panels ever deployed. #econ #tcot #gop #teaparty

"Tell the federal govt to GO AND SIT IN A CORNER AND LEAVE THE ECONOMY ALONE!" - John Bolton on Varney & Co., FBN #tcot #teaparty #econ #gop

Very interesting video "10 ways to be your own boss" - Fred Wilson #entrepreneur #unemployed #tcot #hhrs #econ #create

Video: "Deutsche Bank Rips Into the Frank-n-Dodd "Financial Reform"" [sic] #hhrs #tcot #gop #teaparty #econ

"Tell the federal govt to GO AND SIT IN A CORNER AND LEAVE THE ECONOMY ALONE!" - John Bolton on Varney & Co., FBN #tcot #teaparty #econ #gop

Full text story FBN's Elizabeth MacDonald: Deutsche Bank internal report on the Frank-n-Dodd bill: #econ #tcot #hhrs

Thanks to Elizabeth MacDonald for the Deutsche Bank "Financial Reform" story: // #hhrs #tcot #gop #teaparty #hhrs

Deutsche Bank Rips Into the Frank-n-Dodd "Financial Reform" [sic] // A DISASTER!!! #hhrs #tcot #gop #teaparty #hhrs

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