Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Disturbing Conversation at Breakfast:

I had breakfast this morning sitting at a lunch counter next to a kindly senior citizen who obviously wanted to engage in conversation. He is apparently retired on a union pension. As political subjects came up in our conversation, he began to make it clear that he will not support any Republican.

I tried to engage him in discussion about a return to our founders vision for the constitution, but he was having none of it. He was not concerned about the growth of the size of government, he said we are not taxed enough, he had no idea where jobs come from, thought there was no limit to how much taxes rich people should pay. There seemed to be no substantive issue which drove him to his decision to support democrats, he just repeated every dogmatic tag line he had ever heard. He had no ability to defend any of those with reason, and just changed to the next tag line if challenged.

My breakfast companion finally made some comment in passing about the "best" president of his lifetime being Jimmy Carter! (Gasp!) After catching my breath, I asked what made him admire Jimmy Carter and he said "Oh, he was a great president! That man sent me a $1000 dollar check and an autographed picture."


I have to say the conversation just ruined an otherwise wonderful breakfast. I am so tired of the level of economic and political illiteracy among large numbers of the electorate. People who have benefitted their entire lives from the liberties that others fought hard to win for them, and who have lived in relative ease and comfort from the capitalist economy that made our nation wealthy and strong, and who have not the slightest clue where it all came from, or the great threat it faces today.

There are several things we MUST do NOW:
1) We MUST win majorities in this 2010 election cycle to hold the line against the progressive onslaught.

2) We MUST win the presidency in the next election cycle and hold on to the legislative gains.

3) But for the long term, we MUST eliminate the government stranglehold on education in this country. We MUST have a free market of education choice in primary and secondary schools! I believe this is the ONLY way we can ever hope to make and sustain long term progress back to the founding principles of this country. This republic cannot stand in the face of more generations of voters dumbed-down by government-controlled "progressive" indoctrination passing as "education."
Our higher education system is considered among the best in the world, and it operates as a free market. It would become even better if the quality of entering freshman was better, as they would be with better primary and secondary schools. There are a lot of leftist professors in our universities that would not be tolerated if more of our young people came equipped with the tools to take them on. A competitive market for primary and secondary education would create a more competitive marketplace for higher education.

Fight for School Choice for all our citizens, not just the wealthy elites who already have choices!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Twitter Archive - 10-09-2010

Can't wait: "They're Burning Your Money," Liz MacDonald, FBN next wk, on mis-spent stimulus. Don't miss it! #hhrs #tcot #teaparty #econ #nov

RT @AnyStreet: Ann's latest, featuring the inimitable Patty Murray. Unbelievable! #hhrs #tcot #teaparty #nov!

With thanks to @MelissaTweets - Talk about a "rogue's gallery" Howard Zinn and friends: #hhrs #tcot #teaparty #nov

"Not In 25 Years, Social Security Is Bankrupt Now" Bill Frezza #hhrs #tcot #teaparty #econ #nov

Bill Frezza with the FACTS about tax cuts and revenue: #hhrs #teaparty #tcot #econ #nov #taxes

"Where the 'Shovel Ready' jobs are" by Elizabeth MacDonald, a short "rant" on Cavuto: #hhrs #tcot #teaparty #econ #nov

#ff @hughhewitt @Radioblogger @ghhewittblog @RedState @newtgingrich @Scot0149 @LynnMaudlin @dambisamoyo @Sideache @Mrs_ESTMR @ChargerJeff

#ff @ORlibertygal @LizzieViolet @CEJacksonLaw @VictoriaTaft @guypbenson @JMNR @mkhammer @HeyTammyBruce @secupp @Lileks

#ff @stephenfhayes @DavidLimbaugh @NRO @DanHannanMEP @HooverInst @arthurbrooks @tracybyrnes @CGasparino @AmbJohnBolton @uncknowledge

RT @stephenfhayes: Wow, Russ Feingold is making the case that he is the real Tea Party candidate in the WI Sen case. #Whatishesmoking?

Just a brief note to thank my followers for pushing me over 600. Cheers all! Thanks for the FFs, November is coming! Become an activist!

Thomas Sowell on Barney Frank, CRA, & "The Housing Boom & Bust" #teaparty #econ #tcot #hhrs #nov

"Woe to the people who are incapable of limiting the sphere of action of the State. Liberty, [et al] depend upon this." Bastiat #econ #tcot

"We were told to vote for change we could believe in and found we had elected people who wanted to change what we believe." Jackie Cushman

RT @CEJacksonLaw Shows how unworkable #hcr is. #tcot Pity all the employers w/o McDonald's clout. #teaparty #hhrs #econ #nov

RT @jpodhoretz spin? What? "Plouffe says GOP faces "colossal failure" unless it takes House, Senate & "every major gov's race." Delusion?

RT @LizzieViolet: Honoring Gilad Shalit Please RT #SaveGilad #IDF a SON BROTHER FRIEND SOLDIER of #Israel #tcot #GOP

"Congress Can't Repeal Economics" by John Stossel: #econ #teaparty #tcot #hhrs #nov

Here is the interview with Daniel Hannan from today: Get his book: #hhrs #econ #tcot #teaparty

Parliament Member Daniel Hannan w/ Neil Cavuto today: New book: "The New Road to Serfdom" #hhrs #econ #tcot #teaparty

"#Econ ignorance is the raw material of every govt'l extortion, every fallacy the precursor of an act of plunder." Bastiat #hhrs #teaparty

"To the left, both the ppl & the #CONUS are things 2 circumvent 4 their agenda."- Thomas Sowell #gold #econ #hhrs #nov

If you would reduce the offshoring of jobs, return to entirely voluntary collective bargaining of labor. #econ #tcot #teaparty #hhrs #nov!

#econ ignorance is the raw material of every [govt'l] extortion we suffer, every fallacy the precursor of an act of plunder." Bastiat #nov

Britt Hume on the corruption of the Obama Justice Department: #hhrs #tcot #hhrs #teaparty #votingrights #Nov!

Steve Hayes whooped Juan Williams in debate over Dems failure to extend tax cuts: #tcot #hhrs #teaparty #nov #tax #econ

#POTUS calls for year round schools. Sure, but only when #edu is privatized and everyone has school choice, not just the elites. #teaparty

RT @CEJacksonLaw A preview of D'Souza's new book, one every American should read: #Obama #tcot #teaparty #hhrs #econ

RT @bridgettwagner @stephenfhayes POTUS silent @ UN on Iran arming, funding & training terrorists killing our soldiers in Afghan. #teaparty

RT @ORlibertygal We've had 30+ yrs of OR-DEMs: #1 in homelessness, #3 in unemployment & bottom 5% schools. Socialism sucks! #orcot #teaparty

RT @ORlibertygal The liberal trolls have nothing to say but profanity and slurs against those who try to help kids. Pray for them. / Amen!

Ann in her usual excellent form, correcting the record: #hhrs #tcot #teaparty

RT @Huffman2010 It’s time to put Or back to work and do what’s best for USA, not just for party. #orsen #tcot

Paul Krugman gives up in debate w/ free marketers: #econ #abouttime #tcot #hhrs #orcot #sowell #austrian

@bodiegroup Education quality doesn't need more money but simply a competitive market of school choice. #orcot #tcot #nov! @dudley2010

Britt Hume: "The tax cuts for the middle class" which Dems want to extend, were "tax cuts for the rich" a season ago. #econ #tcot #teaparty

RT @HeyTammyBruce: We *all* supported McCain, he was the nominee, no matter how much we didn't like him. The shoe is on other foot, NRSC?

RT @YoungCons Genius & funny. A very young Thomas Sowell on welfare.... / BRILLIANT! #econ #hhrs #tcot #teaparty #nov

Best slogan this season is still @Dudley2010 's "We don't need more taxes, we need more taxpayers." Think about it. #teaparty #econ #hhrs

There is a possibility which some in the #GOP have ignored. It could be that w/ more #teaparty candidates, turnout will skyrocket #tcot #nov

The party leadership needs to b reminded that they're supposed to take their lead from the voters, not the other way around. #teaparty #tcot

Specific candidates aside, not very happy with party elites that think they know better than the voters. They work for us. #econ #teaparty

RT @ConservativeLA @ladylibertas93 Let's include the GOP #tcot #hhrs Agreed, but it'll take even greater grassroots support to win in #Nov

Britt Hume points out that the "tax cuts for the middle class" which Dems want to extend, were "tax cuts for the rich" a season ago. #econ

OK Delaware tea partiers, the primary was the easy part, now close the sale. O'Donnell still has to win in #Nov! #Teaparty #tcot #hhrs

#Rejectedlicenseplatemottos OREGON: The Left-Most of the Leftist Coast.

RT @HeyTammyBruce Obama will have to hire someone (who lied to him) who will take all of his money putting his family in debt for 100 yrs

RT @HeyTammyBruce Then, he'll have to stop playing golf. And no more vacations. And no more being on TV. Then, at last...

RT @HeyTammyBruce Obama says he wants to 'feel our pain.' Okay, let's start w him losing his job // Yes!

Consider: The socialist who condemns the profits of capital, must then be willing to lend you his home for free. #econ #tcot #hhrs

Wealth does not pre-exist the act of a man to create it, its creation therefore cannot be the plunder of another. #econ

Is there a more human act than a father giving gifts to his children? Yet some will say that it is selfish if done upon his death. #econ

"If natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to allow them liberty, why r the tendencies of govt always good?" Bastiat

If the people can be trusted to elect govt, why can they not be trusted to enter into voluntary agreements without the nanny state? #econ

Dem-socialism is an insidious paradox: At election time, suffrage cannot be too broad, but once elected, govt commands all of life. #econ

@Radioblogger Any chance the excellent statements by John Mark Reynolds could be made publicly available? Sure like my pastor to listen.

RT @VoteSmartToday We are struggling with #UNEMPLOYMENT, lower #WAGES because the #GOVT IS LIVING TOO WELL! #hhrs #tcot #teaparty #econ

RT @OldSusanna @SooperMexican Michael Ramirez cartoon on Dems views of Americans #hhrs #tcot #teaparty #nov! // True!

@GreatHairGuy I would vote for him in a heartbeat, but he may be entirely too clear-headed for American politics. #hhrs #tcot #GOP

@GreatHairGuy Amb Bolton was very careful to stress that first, it is critical we win in #nov! #hhrs #tcot #GOP

RT @FreedomChatter "You could become the greediest person in the world, and it will not raise your income 1 dime." TSowell #econ #tcot #hhrs

Former UN Amb. John Bolton announced this AM on Varney & Co., he is considering a run for the #potus in 2012! #hhrs #tcot #teaparty #gop

"Protectionism, socialism, and communism, which are one and the same plant, in three different periods of growth." Bastiat #econ #teaparty

For any hope of stimulating employment, we need brave leaders who will call for large cuts in size and scope of govt. #econ #Teaparty #tcot

RT @mishela1 Have a happy holiday & shana tova!! #peace upon #Israel, God help us.Remember #Gilad #Shalit in captivity & pray for him.

"... legal plunder, that takes the name of socialism." Frederic Bastiat, mid 1800s, #econ #tcot #teaparty #hhrs

"right to instruments of labor, gratuity of credit, etc., etc. All these plans taken as a whole, with what they have in common," Bastiat

"tariffs, protection, progressive taxation, free public education, right to work, right to profit, right to wages, right to assistance,"

"Now, legal plunder may be exercised in an infinite multitude of ways. Hence come an infinite multitude of plans for organization;" Bastiat

"The delusion of the day is to enrich all classes at the expense of each other; it is to generalize plunder under pretense of organizing it"

"Take care not to listen to this sophistry, for it is by the systematizing of these arguments that legal plunder becomes systemic" #econ

"for the state to be enriched, that it may spend the more, and thus shower down salaries upon the poor workmen." Bastiat #econ #tcot

“He will say that the state is bound to protect and encourage his industry, he will plead that it is a good thing…” Bastiat #econ #tcot

“No doubt the party benefitted will eclaim loudly; he will assert his acquired rights.” Bastiat #econ #tcot

“If you do not take care, the exceptional case will extednd, multiply, and become systematic,” Frederic Bastiat #econ #tcot #teaparty #hhrs

“Abolish this law without delay; it is not merely iniquity-it’s a fertile source of iniquities, for it invites reprisal” Bastiat #econ #tcot

“If a law plunders one citizen profit another, in a way that he could not without committing a crime, abolish it!” F. Bastiat #econ #tcot

The only salvation for education is a free market of privately organized schools. Govt ctl can only destroy edu” #hhrs #econ #tcot #teaparty

RT @jeffrejones A non-prediction

Paraphrasing Bastiat: "Socialism is despotism, in the name of presumed infallibility, born of ignorance." #hhrs #tcot #teaparty #econ #nov!

Has the Recovery Stalled? Megyn Kelly interviews Hugh Hewitt, at his very best: #hhrs #Teaparty #tcot #econ #nov!

"Obama's 'Chainsaw Massacre' of American jobs" #econ #Teaparty #tcot #hhrs #nov! #gop

Neal Cavuto talks w/ TJ Rogers, Cypress Semiconductor. "Obama admin is anti business" #tcot #Teaparty #econ #hhrs

The state hires a worker, creating one job, while depriving another, unseen, of a job, and gaining a vote to power. #tcot #Teaparty #econ

Favorite quote about mid-east peace: "There will be peace in the middle east when Muslims love their children more than they hate Jews."

"Those who support [govt stimulus] expose themselves to ridicule for mistaking displacement for gain" F. Bastiat #tcot #Teaparty #econ #econ

I am quoting this week from the famous essay "That which is seen, and that which is not seen" Frederic Bastiat #tcot #hhrs #econ #teaparty

"[They] consider an activity which is neither aided, nor regulated by govt, is an activity destroyed. We think just the contrary." Bastiat

The clearest message voters could send to Congress would be to turn over the majority in both houses to the GOP. #econ #Teaparty #tcot #hhrs

To the contrary, when we oppose govt support of a thing, it is often to protect the thing from govt meddling. #tcot #hhrs #teaparty #econ

"When we disapprove of govt support of a thing, we are supposed to disapprove of the thing itself." F. Bastiat #hhrs #econ #tcot #teaparty

RT @instmed Gilad Shalit - pray for his freedom! #hhrs #tcot #christ

RT @speakup4israel This Shabbat is Gilad Shalit's 24th Birthday, his 5th in a #Gaza prison #Israel #tcot #teaparty

Enough is enough! Straight talk about the GZ mosque: #tcot #teaparty #hhrs #tlot #gop #israel #gzmosque #tbrs #islam

ABSOLUTELY STUNNING interview of Thomas Sowell! PLEASE listen to all 5 segments, esp #5! #hhrs #tcot #teaparty #econ

"The fall 2010 election is one of the most, if not THE most critical election we have ever had." Thomas Sowell #econ #hhrs #tcot #teaparty

"Because if [Obama] is not stopped, I don't know how he will ever be stopped." Thomas Sowell #hhrs #tcot #teparty #econ

"You can reach a point of no return, but as Yogi Berra said, It's not over till its over" #nov! #tcot #teaparty #econ

"There was a time when most Americans wld have felt insulted to have it thought they wanted someone else to pay thr medical bills" T. Sowell

"To young ppl: If by some miracle we get through this, please take to heart what happens…" Sowell #tcot #hhrs #teaparty

"...when you vote on the basis of rhetoric and symbolism instead of using your mind." Sowell #tcot #hhrs #teaparty

P. Robinson to T. Sowell: Q:"If you could offer one sentence of counsel to the [POTUS], what would it be?" A:"Resign!"

RT @uncknowledge Thomas Sowell: the parallels betw the final days of the Roman Emp and USA today: // ALWAYS EXCELLENT!!!

Part 1 of 5, watch them all: Thomas Sowell interviewed by Peter Robinson @uncknowledge #hhrs #tcot #teaparty #Nov!

RT @KMcFar: It doesn't matter how smart you are, unless you stop and think- thomas sowell

RT @HeyTammyBruce: Nothing to see here, move along. Iran's first nuclear plant begins fueling

FF @JonathanHoenig @Lileks @Theblacksphere @uncknowledge @dudley2010 @LizzieViolet // I look for content-rich tweets, high signal-to-noise!

FF @LizzieViolet #FreeGiladSchalit #Israel #IDF RT @Jerusalem_Post

Enough is enough! Straight talk about the GZ mosque: #tcot #teaparty #hhrs #tlot #gop #israel #gzmosque #tbrs #islam

Misuse of "liberal" is one of the things that most confuses foreigners when they look at USA politics. #hhrs #tcot #teaparty #tlot #econ

The Left loves to ctl language, so they can ctl terms of the argument. Don't let them! They are not "liberal." #tcot #teaparty #hhrs #tlot

Big-govt-socialism-leftism-statism-redistributionist-progressivism, do not maximize liberty, are not "LIBERAL!" #tcot #teaparty #econ #tlot

DO NOT CALL THE LEFT "LIBERAL" call them leftists, socialists, or big-govt statists, but not "liberal" #hhrs #tcot #teaparty #econ #tlot

FA Hayek, M Friedman, vonMises all used the term "liberal" to mean what we now call conservative, maximizing liberty. #hhrs #tcot #teaparty

Free mkt #econ omists called themselves "liberals." Milton Friedman used liberal this way in "Capitalism and Freedom" #tcot #teaparty #hhrs

Please don't honor the left by calling them "liberal." Classically liberal means those who support liberty! #teaparty #tcot #hhrs #gop #tlot

RT @JSLeFanu: Gloria Center: Can You Handle The Truth?: The Shocking Reality of Arab Public Opinion #tcot #teaparty #gop

RT @hughhewitt: Back-to-back "debates" moderated by @MegynKelly and @TavisSmiley can give you the television bends #hhrs #tcot

"Radical policies of Obama & Congress hv hampered natural resiliency of US #econ, artificially extending recession"-Gingrich #tcot #teaparty

RT @KatyinIndy State Department: "Taliban is not a terrorist organization." (Huhh?) #tcot #gop #hhrs #tlot #teaparty

"Are Americans Bigots? Attacking motives of those who disagree w/ elite opinion"- MCGURN #hhrs #tcot #teaparty #christ

RT @KatyinIndy Fed takes a cash advance from their MasterCard to pay the VISA bill ... #tcot #gop #hhrs #teaparty #econ

RT @ThomasSowell "Wal-Mart has done more for poor people than any 10 liberals, 9 of whom are guaranteed to hate Wal-Mart." #hhrs #econ #tcot

RT @LizzieViolet @ThomasSowell Column: Cheering Immaturity // Excellent as always. #tcot #hhrs #econ #teaparty #liberty

"the substitution of compulsion for cooperation changes the amount of resources available." M. Friedman #hhrs #tcot #teaparty #econ #capital

RT @LizzieViolet Redistribution of wealth is evil- that's why so many people can't find a job. Wealth is to be INVESTED. // Amen! #econ

RT @DennisDMZ Pelosi's so two-faced, she has to pay for her plastic surgery twice. // ROFL

RT @lizwestbrook Americans must draw a line in the sand and demand: No victory mosque, no way, not happening. #tcot #nogzmosque

RT @hughhewittblog Hugh Hewitt: More On Prop 8 // read this!

"Justice Brennan's Footnote Gave Us Anchor Babies" - Ann #teaparty #tcot #hhrs #nov!

RT @ScottWGraves @LizzieViolet GOOD READ: The Prophet of the Ruling Class... #tcot #p2 #teaparty #hhrs #nov!

RT @BiblicalTanakh: Jer 17:14 Heal me, O YHWH, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou [art] my praise.

RT @fsicomnet "One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and prgms by their intentions rather than their results." - M Friedman #tcot

RT @Mr_Fastbucks: Good heavens, @AmbJohnBolton is on Twitter! Worthy of an early #ff #hhrs #tcot #teaparty #gop

RT @DMashak The battle for liberty will be won or lost on education choice #teaparty #tcot #hhrs #912 #christ #econ

RT @RBLevin The Web is killing the BlackBerry // this nails why I switched to a Droid X

Where the "Shovel Ready" Jobs are:

A short note to thank Elizabeth MacDonald for her short rant on the Fox Business "Cavuto" show panel, guest hosted by Charles Payne, Oct 8, 2010, 6:55pm ET:

“I’ll tell you where the ‘shovel ready jobs’ are, they’re in the White House Press Office!

If you think you can put a top spin on this [jobs] number... Sixty four thousand jobs? That just about fits in two small towns on Long Island. Sixty four thousand jobs, BIG DEAL! Sixty four thousand jobs is nothing! … We lost EIGHT MILLION jobs since the crisis began. And why aren’t jobs being created? Because businesses are afraid! They’re afraid of what’s coming out of Washington DC! They feel like they’re standing stranded in the middle of traffic with all the regulatory policies coming at them like a freight train. It’s really bad. When you talk to small business people like I have, they are scared.”
Setting aside the mixed metaphors, which can be forgiven in light of her frustration and angst, she nailed the feelings of all of us out here in small business America. Her emotion and plain-spoken truth on the subject are much appreciated by many of us!

I continue to find Elizabeth MacDonald to be one of the best informed, clearest thinking, and most interesting business analysts on television. I often have the Fox Business channel on in the background while I get computer work done, but I have gotten in the habit - whenever Elizabeth MacDonald rcomes on, to stop whatever I'm doing and really listen. I have yet to be disappointed by that habit.

Keep up the good work Lizzy Mac!